Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Shetland up north

Its always good to get up north, this time to North Roe
I like humorous items like this fence post

Great to see this house painted in a sea theme, this is Kenny's house

A lot of Red phone boxes have now been adopted by the local community for £1, most turned into libraries.

Seat anyone

another fence post

aircraft in the garden

Tesco a long way a way, best go by boat

Viking wind farm destroying our landscape. I gather because of the concret shortage they have been importing concrete from Ireland

Fog is a common problem in summer, often stopping flights in and out of Sumburgh

Lots of fields now have grass cut for silage leaving nice patterns on the rig

The heather has been very colourful this year, not had hardly any rain over the past two months

 Lots of visitors up, more caravettes and caravans this year with covid stopping a lot of accomodation from openning fully.

Filming for the 7th Shetland BBC1 drame series has started but some of the crew have now gone down with covid symptoms . They are due to start filming in Sandwick this Thursday