People are not thinking clearly, its not the time to be travelling and you can also see it from the other side, one person has planned their journey for three years and have paid for the trip. Cancelling is a big disappointment but its better safe than sorry, you could end up in a lockdown, which will come soon
I have two lots of friends abroad and caught up in this so not the best thing to happen. Re-plan your trip after things calm down, hopefully getting a refund, its more time for planning and looking at Shetland photos
I do feel sorry for those moving either to Shetland or within the isles. Don't forget about all the people loosing their jobs and businesses going bust with a lot more to come.
While a lot of people are pulling together there are many who aren't, just look at the supermarkets, bedlam. Why are people buying all the toilet rolls? looks like some pubs in Scotland will also be closed down
One good thing living in Shetland is that we still get out and have a walk, there are many places where you will see no one else. I do need this it certainly a big tonic to get out, all of his could change if we get a lock down
How long can Northlink go on running near empty Ferries, was told that only 4 passengers on last one, flights down by 75%, both the lifeline of the islands. We still need to receive food and post.
Today it was announced that Ferries will only carry people who have an 'essential' need to travel.
Also today a Shetlander who has the virus was transported down to Aberdeen by an RAF Hercules transporter plane