Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Scalloway Ancient Capital of Shetland

Its getting to be the windy month  with several Force 8 's passing through. Our new individual wheelie bins, which are tied to the fence even got blown over on Monday. Driving become difficult and a lot of people don't even go out 

Scalloway is a lot quieter than Lerwick with a population of about 1,000. Its a place where trees do well, growing in many sheltered gardens

Its an interesting place and offers many photo opportunities if you look 

Its the small things that make a good photo

Fishing such an important industry in Scalloway

The coloured houses just remind me of  Mull and it has the same feel to it.

Outdoor concerts?

We have been to the Accordion and Fiddle Festival this month and as always enjoyed the event although there seemed to be less people attending this year. I would like to see more local people play rather than bringing up Scottish musicians

Always good to see cats around and this  one came over for a photo. 

The castle, next to the very popular museum is a great place to visit. Although Earl Patrick was not a popular person and a number of people died building it. It was an ammunition dump for the Shetland Bus in WW2. This is only one of two Castles in Shetland, the other can be found at Muness in Unst.

You can book now for the above Photography course due to start in January