But now its Shetland lambs that are being born, up to the end of May usually
They are so cute at this age
The air is full of bird song as well and we have had some sunshine as well
over Easter we have seen lots of visitors arrive but we are still having a lot of covid cases
But spring is about a fresh start so its time to count your blessings and get on with it. While everything seems calm we must think of those in and who have left the Ukraine.
Shetland aid has been sending lots of supplies so we can only pray for a quick end to the war which seems along way from a peaceful ShetlandDa Voar Redd Up, the annual Shetland clean has started and around 40% of all Shetlanders help clearing beaches, ditches and roads from plastic and other rubbish.
My new book is out now and available at £14 + postage, it is A4 size with 97 colour photos, i can send anywhere in the world. email me at shetpuffinbook@gmail.com
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