Sunday 26 July 2015

Up North

Shetland has so many great places to visit. Although we have been coming here for nearly 30 years there are still many little gems to visit. Some people don't like going back to the same place twice as they think that the second time will be a disappointment - this definitely doesn't apply to Shetland

I like going back to places time and time again. I always find something new to see whether its the light that reveals a hidden part, or the wildlife which is constantly changing.

Shetland offers the old and new, often mixed close together. A bit of decay adds interest and as a photographer it's these little bits of detail creates a great photo

People really are creative, the sign posts below are splendid and intriguing, obviously make by visitors from different parts of the world that have been lured to Shetland. Once you have been , Shetland gets in your blood and you must come back time and time again.

Sitting on a beach somewhere has never appealed to me, I like exploring places and Shetland has so much to offer even a casual visitor. Like us this can lead to big decisions, like moving here some thing we have never regretted.

The old and even older (Giant Stones- Hamnavoe) equally interesting. Seeing these things gets you interested more in archaeology, the range of my interests has been broadened  by coming to Shetland

Music has been a big plus with so many concerts to go to, the young south mainland fiddlers are inspirational and may even get you started playing an instrument. We had a chat with someone at 76 who has just started playing a mandolin so its never too late, that's if you can fit it in with everything else going on

I have now finished painting all sides of our house and have arranged for someone to give us a quote on painting the roof. This will add extra years onto the life of the house.

The house a few doors away has still showed no signs of being repaired or painted and his garden is very overgrown so the value will have decreased considerably.

I have just been asked to do a talk `A year in Shetland' when we go back to Sheffield, it's going to be very difficult knowing what to leave out.

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